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(南昌大学 信息工程学院,南昌 330031)
针对穿墙雷达(TWR)室内不规则场景中信号传播的多径效应所导致成像区域“幻影”存在的问题,提出了一种基于脉冲雷达信号平台频域压缩感知(CS)框架的多径利用方法。在建立室内多径回波脉冲信号矢量模型的基础上,将每条多径分量作为一个特殊的观测通道,并利用目标、多径“幻影”依赖于阵列子孔径方位(AD)的特性,由此来分析目标、“幻影”与子孔径位置的关联性,最后通过调和平均(HMAM)子孔径图像融合方法实现 “幻影”抑制和目标的虚拟多视角成像。该方法克服了脉冲信号时域压缩感知计算复杂度高以及需要事先已知室内几何反射位置的不足。不同场景的仿真结果验证了此方法的可行性和优越性。
关键词:  穿墙雷达  脉冲信号  压缩感知  多视角成像  调和平均图像融合
An aspect dependence-based virtual multi-view method in through-wall radar imaging
REN Nan,ZHOU Huilin,DUAN Rongxing
Aiming at the problem of ghosts in the image area caused by the multi-path effect of signal propagation in the indoor irregular scene of through-wall radar(TWR),a new method based on impulse radar signal platform frequency domain compressive sensing(CS) framework of multi-path exploitation is proposed.Based on the establishment of the multi-path pulse signal vector model in the room,each multi-path component is regarded as a special observation channel,and the aspect dependence(AD) feature is employed between the target and multi-path ghosts to analyze the relevance between the position of target,ghosts and the sub-array.Finally,the multi-path ghosts will be restrained and the virtual multi-view image is achieved by harmonic mean based additive-multiplicative fusion(HMAM).This method overcomes the shortcoming that the computation complexity of time-domain compression sensing in pulse signal is high and the knowledge of the reflecting geometry should be known in advance.Simulations from different scenarios verify the feasibility and superiority of this method.
Key words:  through-wall radar(TWR)  impulse signal  compressive sensing(CS)  multi-view imaging  harmonic mean based additive-multiplicative fusion(HMAM)