  • 俞 蕾,蒋 斌,陈海进.一种多通道2.4 GHz有源射频识别系统设计[J].电讯技术,2021,61(9): - .    [点击复制]
  • YU Lei,JIANG Bin,CHEN Haijin.Design of a multi-channel 2.4 GHz active RFID system[J].,2021,61(9): - .   [点击复制]
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一种多通道2.4 GHz有源射频识别系统设计
(南通大学 信息科学技术学院,江苏 南通 226019)
针对射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)系统在实际应用过程中存在的标签碰撞问题,设计了一种多通道2.4 GHz有源射频识别系统,采用时分与频分相结合的防碰撞算法,使得平均时延相较于传统的单通道系统降低了60.2%。系统采用轻量化的高级加密标准(Advanced Encryption Standard,AES)算法,经少量的改动后可变成国密算法,提高了信息安全性。读写器可通过串口、以太网口、4G等多种外部接口与控制终端进行通信,数据信息由Qt Creator开发平台设计的上位机显示。该系统具有读写距离可调、信息安全性能高、功耗低等优点,可广泛应用于对读写距离、读取速度、读写环境要求严格的应用场合。
关键词:  射频识别  防碰撞  定位识别  轻量化AES算法
Design of a multi-channel 2.4 GHz active RFID system
YU Lei,JIANG Bin,CHEN Haijin
(School of Information Science and Technology,Nantong University,Nantong 226019,China)
For the problem of tag collision in practical application of a radio frequency identification(RFID) system,a multi-channel 2.4 GHz active RFID system is designed.The anti-collision algorithm combining time division and frequency division method reduces the average delay by 60.2% compared with the traditional single channel system.The system adopts the lightweight advanced encryption standard(AES) algorithm,which can be changed into the national encryption algorithm after a few changes,to improve the security performance.The reader can communicate with the control terminal through serial port,Ethernet port,4G and other external interfaces,and the data information can be monitored from the upper computer with the software designed by using Qt Creator application development platform.The system has the advantages of adjustable read-write distance,high information security performance and low power consumption.It can be widely used in applications with stringent requirements for distance,speed and environment of read-write operations.
Key words:  RFID  anti-collision  location identification  lightweight advanced encryption standard