  • 赵义飞,张月霞.车联网中的协同通信平均传输时间计算[J].电讯技术,2021,61(4): - .    [点击复制]
  • ZHAO Yifei,ZHANG Yuexia.Calculation of average transmission time by cooperative communication in Internet of Vehicles[J].,2021,61(4): - .   [点击复制]
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(北京信息科技大学 a.信息与通信工程学院;b.现代测控技术教育部重点实验室,北京 100101)
车联网(Internet of Vehicles,IoV)是智能交通和通信领域的热点课题,协同通信算法的研究是IoV通信的重要技术之一。针对IoV环境下因通信拓扑结构快速变化导致数据信号利用单一通信方式难以高效传输的问题,提出IoV环境下协同通信算法,利用车对车(Vehicle-to-Vehicle,V2V)和车对路(Vehicle-to-Infrastructure,V2I)协同通信方法,对目标数据从请求到完成的平均传输时间进行了理论分析和推导。仿真结果表明,该算法的传输效率比基于移动边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing,MEC) 车联网协作传输算法提升40%,比基于分簇V2X车载广播传输算法提升25%;该算法的平均传输时间随着路侧单元(Road Side Unit,RSU)缓存概率从0.5增加至1可提高9%,随着车辆缓存概率从0.5增加至1可提高46%。
关键词:  车联网  车对车(V2V)  车对路(V2I)  协同通信  平均传输时间  随机位置
Calculation of average transmission time by cooperative communication in Internet of Vehicles
ZHAO Yifei,ZHANG Yuexia
(a.School of Information Communication Engineering;b.Key Laboratory of Modern Measurement & Control Technology,Ministry of Education,Beijing Information Science & Technology University,Beijing 100101,China)
Internet of Vehicles(IoV) is a hot topic in the field of intelligent transportation and communication.The research on cooperative communication algorithm is one of the important technologies in IoV.For the problem that it is really difficult to transmit the data signals efficiently by using a single communication method due to the rapid change of communication topology in IoV,this paper proposes a cooperative communication algorithm which uses Vehicle-to-Vehicle(V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure(V2I) to analyze and deduce the average transmission time of the target data from request to completion.The simulation results show that any vehicle can request the target data at random position and complete the transmission about it in IoV.The overall consumption time of the algorithm is greatly reduced compared with other algorithms,and the transmission efficiency can be increased by 40% compared with the cooperative transmission algorithm based on mobile edge computing(MEC) in IoV,and 25% compared with the vehicle’s broadcast transmission algorithm based on clustering about V2X.The average transmission time can be increased by 9% with the improvement of road side unit(RSU) cache probability from 0.5 to 1,and 46% with the improvement of vehicle cache probability from 0.5 to 1.
Key words:  Internet of Vehicles(IoV)  Vehicle-to-Vehicle(V2V)  Vehicle-to-Infrastructure(V2I)  cooperative communication  average transmission time  random position