  • 张永顺,贾 鑫,尹灿斌.基于压缩感知的直扩通信多音干扰抑制[J].电讯技术,2015,55(8): - .    [点击复制]
  • ZHANG Yongshun,JIA Xin,YIN Canbin.Direct sequence spread spectrum communications multi-tone jamming suppression based on compressive sensing[J].,2015,55(8): - .   [点击复制]
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(解放军装备学院 研究生管理大队,北京 101416;解放军装备学院 光电装备系,北京 101416)
针对直扩通信多音干扰抑制算法应用受限于采样率较高的问题,在分别构建信号和干扰稀疏字典的基础上,利用正交匹配追踪算法,设计了一种压缩域直扩通信多音干扰抑制算法,并通过理论分析和计算机仿真验证了算法的有效性。仿真结果表明,在已知干扰稀疏度的条件下,该方法能够有效抑制多音干扰,干扰抑制效果不随干扰数量、干扰强度变化而变化,在压缩率为1/2、干信比为20 dB的条件下重构信号与加性高斯白噪声信道中传输信号解调性能相比只有约5 dB的信噪比损失。这将为在多音干扰条件下压缩采样后直扩信号的重构提供一种有效方法。
关键词:  直扩通信  压缩感知  多音干扰抑制  稀疏字典  正交匹配追踪算法
Direct sequence spread spectrum communications multi-tone jamming suppression based on compressive sensing
ZHANG Yongshun,JIA Xin,YIN Canbin
The existing direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) communications multi-tone suppression algorithms are confined to the high sampling rate. To overcome this problem,the sparse dictionary of the DSSS signal and multi-tone jamming are built and an algorithm is designed to suppress the multi-tone jamming for the DSSS communications in compressive domain by using the orthogonal matching pursuit(OMP) algorithm. The effectiveness of the algorithm is verified through the theoretical analysis and computer simulation. The results show that the method can suppress the multi-tone jamming effectively with the prior information of the jamming sparse degree,the jamming suppression performance don’t change over the jamming quantity and jamming intensity. The demodulation performance of the reconstructed signal in the condition of 1/2 compression rate and 20 dB jammer-to-signal ratio(JSR) only 5 dB signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) loss compared with that of the signal transmitted in additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN) channel. This will provide an effective method for reconstruction of compressed DSSS signal in the multi-tone jamming condition.
Key words:  DSSS communications  compressive sensing  multi-tone jamming suppression  sparse dictionary  orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm