  • 宋海方,吴 华,邬 蒙,等.雷达干扰射频隐身特性及自适应功率控制方法[J].电讯技术,2012,52(12): - .    [点击复制]
  • SONG Hai-fang,WU Hua,WU Meng,et al.RF stealth characteristic of radar jamming and adaptive power control method[J].,2012,52(12): - .   [点击复制]
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(空军工程大学 航空航天工程学院,西安 710038)
针对战机实施有源干扰时的射频隐身问题,分析了现有干扰功率 评估准则的不足,在雷达信号检测模型和侦察截获概率模型的基础上,讨论了“有效干扰” 对干扰功率的需求和射频隐身对干扰功率的限制,提出将有效干扰条件下的侦察截获概率作 为干扰信号的射频隐身特性表征因子,最后提出了一种结合目标雷达类型、接收信号功率以 及本机RCS起伏等因素的干扰功率自适应控制方法。通过对固定功率干扰与不同压制系数下 自适应功率干扰时雷达检测概率和侦察截获概率的仿真,表明自适应功率控制能够节约干扰 功率,在有效干扰的同时提高干扰的射频隐身能力。
关键词:  雷达干扰  射频隐身  干扰功率控制  有效干扰  截获概率
基金项目:电子信息控制国防重点实验室基金资助课题(9140C1005051103 );陕西省自然科学基金资助项目(2012JQ8019)
RF stealth characteristic of radar jamming and adaptive power control method
SONG Hai-fang,WU Hua,WU Meng,CHENG Si-yi
To study the radio frequency (RF) stealth in airborne active jamming systems, th e shortage of traditional power criterion is analysed,the demand and limitation of jamming power are discussed, under conditions of effective jamming and RF ste alth based on the model of signal detection in radar and Electronic Support Meas urement (ESM). Keeping the detection probability of radar signals constant, the intercept probability of reconnaissance receiver, as the factor to appraise the stealth performance, is proposed. An adaptive control method of jamming power ba sed on the type of radar, received power and RCS blinking is put forward. In ord er to estimate the efficiency of this adaptive method, computer simulations are performed under different jamming blanket factors. Results indicate that compare d with the conventional approach, the adaptive method can reduce the jamming pow er, meet the requirement of effective jamming and improve the RF stealth perform ance of jamming signal as well.
Key words:  radar jamming  RF stealth  jamming power management  e ffective jamming  intercept probability