  • 金 婕,艾宝丽.智能交通系统的无线信道建模[J].电讯技术,2015,55(3): - .    [点击复制]
  • JIN Jie,AI Baoli.Channel modeling for intelligent transport system[J].,2015,55(3): - .   [点击复制]
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(上海工程技术大学,上海 201620)
由于高速移动,车车、车路通信信道存在较大多普勒频移,同时接收信号到达角不符合均匀分布。针对该特点,采用了两种方法进行信道建模,一种是采用R.von Mises提出的概率密度谱函数对多径散射信号到达移动接收机的角度进行建模,另一种是通过研究接收机和发送机之间相对运动进行建模。 采用自回归模型法,根据不同的到达角平均方向、发射机和接收机速度比率和到达角宽, 建立了不同的车车信道。仿真结果表明所建立的信道理论值与仿真值基本一致,同时揭示了3个参数对车车、车路信道模型二阶特性的影响。为了进一步验证不同信道模型对车车、车路通信的影响,搭建了下一代智能交通通信协议IEEE 802.11p系统测试平台,结果表明在最大多普勒频移为790 Hz、信噪比为5 dB时,简单二维各向异性散射信道比AKKI信道的系统误比特率低17.17 dB,三种信道的误比特率随着移动速度、调制阶数的提高而提高。仿真结果为研究智能交通系统稳定通信建立了基础。
关键词:  智能交通系统  通信信道建模  各向异性散射  自回归模型法
Channel modeling for intelligent transport system
JIN Jie,AI Baoli
The high mobility of the vehicle-to-vehicle(VTV) and vehicle-to-roadside(VTR) wireless communication brings about the large Doppler shift and the angel of arrival(AOA) of a scattered wave does not meet the uniform probability density function( PDF). In order to cope with the problem,this paper utilizes two methods to perform channel modeling. One is making use of the PDF proposed by R.von Mises to model the AOA of multipath scattering signal,the other is to model by studying the relative movement between the receiver and transmitter,called AKKI channel. Using autoregressive model method,this paper establishes different VTV and VTR channels by changing the parameters such as the average AOA,transmitter and receiver speed rate and the width of AOA. The simulation results show that the simulated values of the channels are almost the same as the theoretical ones and the three parameters greatly influence the second-order statistical properties of the channels. To further verify the effect of this proposed channels in VTV and VTR communications,the paper establishes the testbench based on IEEE 802.11p,the next generation VTV and VTR communication protocol,in Matlab. Three channel models are simulated in IEEE802.11p testbench. The result shows that the bit error rate(BER) of system with AKKI channel model is 17.17 dB higher than that of with the simple two-dimensional non-isotropic channel model,with the maximum Doppler frequency shift of 790 Hz and signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) of 5 dB.The system BER increases with the speed and the modulation order.The simulation results establish the base of the stable communication of VTV or VTR.
Key words:  intelligent transport system  communication channel modeling  non-isotropic scatter  auto-regressive model